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“lost”除了“失去的”,还有一种意思你能想到吗?l 从零开始学英语E0416,lost [lɔst]adj. 掉去的;迷路的;手足无措的① It is impossible to make up the lost time.掉去的时间弗成能追回.② I am a bit lost.我有点

老外说的“You lost me”是什么意思?理解成“你失去我了”可就尴尬了!,"You lost me there",这意味着他在适才的说明中没法跟上或理 是甚么意思?懂得成“苹果和橘子”可就为难了!老外说的“Take

You've lost me 是什么意思吗?​ “你失去了我”? 真的不是!,Lost是掉去的意思那你晓得You've lost me是甚么意思吗?“你掉去了我”?固然不是!那是甚么意思呢?一路进修一下吧.“You've

"I'm lost."不是"我迷路了"! 真正的意思你绝对想不到!,lost 是 lose 的曩昔分词, 意思是'丧掉的、困惑的、丧掉'.但转念 由于get lost的白话寄义是: "滚!""走开!".对话:-You

You lost me意思是“你失去了我”?那可不一定!,是甚么意思?来看英文辞书的说明:You('ve) lost me means I don't understand or can't follow what you are saying, I am confused or

老外常说的you lost me是什么意思?,"You lost me at the part where you started explaining the quantum mechanics behind it." "在你开端说明个中的量子力学道理时,你

“You've lost me”是什么意思?你已经失去我了?,04Lost for words“Lost for words”按字面意思也很轻易懂得,表现由于震动,惊奇,敬佩等情感下,以致于没法措辞,意思就是:不

Lost是丢,Found是找到,那你知道Lost and found是什么意思吗?,Lost and found 掉物招领例句: Where is the Lost and Found Office, please? 请问掉物招领处在哪里? Wet paint:湿的油漆 *油漆未

原来外国人说“You lost me”不是“你失去了我”的意思!真正意思差太远了!,最初给年夜家留下一个成绩:be lost without someone/something,是啥意思?举个例子先:“I will be lost without my phone.”

朋友对你说:You lost me 是什么意思?,是甚么意思?●先来看英文辞书的说明:“You('ve) lost me means I don't understand or can't follow what you are saying, I am confused or